venerdì 7 maggio 2010

DIZ KNEELAND BAND - Band in concert - 1958 - Pagina aperta a tutti i visitatori

Una rarissima incisione del 1958 su etichetta originale Disneyland.
Rippata direttamente da vinile a 33 giri. Una vera chicca solo per intenditori.
Esclusiva del sito

01 - the disneyland band - disney medley
02 - the disneyland band - clarinet polka
03 - the disneyland band - gay nineties medle
04 - the disneyland band - tee dum tee dee
05 - the disneyland band - siren of the nile
06 - the disneyland band - the everglades march
07 - the disneyland band - dusty trombone
08 - the disneyland band - jing-a-ling
09 - the disneyland band - bonnie blue gal march
10 - the disneyland band - comin' through the rye
11 - the disneyland band - river boat medley
12 - the disneyland band - in the shade of the old apple
13 - the disneyland band - whoop-ta-doodle-day
14 - the disneyland band - the ballad of dav
15 - the disneyland band - old time ballad medley
16 - the disneyland band - main street march

courtesy of
cover art vulKano
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Unknown ha detto...



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Unknown ha detto...

01 - the disneyland band - disney medley
02 - the disneyland band - clarinet polka
03 - the disneyland band - gay nineties medle
04 - the disneyland band - tee dum tee dee
05 - the disneyland band - siren of the nile
06 - the disneyland band - the everglades march
07 - the disneyland band - dusty trombone
08 - the disneyland band - jing-a-ling
09 - the disneyland band - bonnie blue gal march
10 - the disneyland band - comin' through the rye
11 - the disneyland band - river boat medley
12 - the disneyland band - in the shade of the old apple
13 - the disneyland band - whoop-ta-doodle-day
14 - the disneyland band - the ballad of dav
15 - the disneyland band - old time ballad medley
16 - the disneyland band - main street march